Everybody loves a party, and Dave’s close up magic can really add atmosphere and enhance the fun!
Mixing with the guests as they chat and have a drink or two, Dave’s interactive magic is ideally suited to bringing friends and strangers together, as his act is heavily reliant on audience participation. Small (and not so small!) groups enjoy the performance together, with the magic often occurring “under their noses” and “in their own hands.”
When Dave concludes his performance and has moved on to the next group, the experience continues as they speculate on “how does he do it?”
Dave can also entertain at the tables as the party goers enjoy a meal or evening buffet. His magic is great for filling any “dead spots” as people wait to be served, or queue for the buffet food.
Dave’s comedy and amazing magic generates laughter and surprise throughout the evening, and will be remembered long after the party has ended!